Location Time zone
Alice Springs, Australia 9 1/2
Brandon, Manitoba -6
Chathah Islands, New Zealand 12 3/4
Istanbul, Turkey 2
Kathmandu, Nepal 5 3/4
London, England 0
Mumbai, India 5 1/2
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador -3 1/2
Tokyo, Japan 9
Victoria, British Columbia -8
a)How many hours is the time in St. Johns ahead of the time in Brandon?
St. Johns is ahead of Brandon by 3 1/2 hours.
b)How many hours is the time in Victoria behind the time in Mumbai?
Victoria is behind Mumbai by 13 1/2 hours.
c)Determine and interpret the time difference between Tokyo and Kathmandu?
The difference between Tokyo is Kathmandu is 4 3/4
d)Determine and interpret the time difference between Chatham Islands and St. Johns.
The difference is 2 1/4
e)In which location is the time exactly halfway between the times in Istanbul and Alice Springs?
The location is 3 1/2
Great post ryan. You did a great job explaining your steps. Next time you should remember to put your unit measure for your answer.